Providing safe, efficient, hygienic and continuous hot water solutions

- Hygienic separation of domestic hot water and stored hot water
- Stored hot water is heated by one or more external energy sources
- Fresh mains pressure water flows through the heat exchange coil
- Hygienic water every time – first in/ first out principle
- Ability to connect multiple heat sources
- High grade 316 Stainless Steel heat exchange coils provide fast heat transfer
- No scaling or calcification
- Minimal heat loss and high efficiency
- Unpressurised tank, reduces stress and increases the life of the tank

Australian Distributors
Contact one of our authorised Australian ENERMAX SMARTcube consultants for tailored custom solution for your residential or commercial project.
Commercial Hot Water & Maintenance
E: Jon@CHWAM.com.au
P: 03 9696 4688
A: 2/11 Dalkeith Drive, Dromana, Vic 3936
W: www.chwam.com.au

Thermal Energy Solutions
E: info@thermalenergysolutions.com.au
P: 02 8722 0409
A: 2/390 Marion St, Condell Park, NSW 2200
W: www.thermalenergysolutions.com.au
Watermark approved. WM-020095

North American Distributor
For enquiries in USA and Canada, contact ENERMAX SMARTcube consultants for tailored custom solution for your residential or commercial project.
7967 South Wayne St.
Hamilton, IN 46742
Phone: +1 (260) 446 - 2678
Email: nhart@ochinc.com
Web: www.solarusagenow.com
IAPMO Certified for Uniform Plumbing Code and International Plumbing Code Approval under product listing 5957